Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Stop the Blasphemy!

I got one of those awesome forwarded emails the other day (I hate 99.9999% of forwarded emails, but sometimes they do give me a blog post idea!). I've received this one before as it has circulated around the Internet a few times. It is the one that says that "In God We Trust" is being taken off of our coins in the US.

The truth of the matter is that the new dollar coins did have "In God We Trust" taken off the front and back, but put on the edges, along with the year. So, it wasn't taken off of the coins, but it did cause enough of an uproar, I guess, that new ones are to put it back on the front or back. You can read more about it here:

Here's the thought of the day. I think that we as Christians should start a petition about this. We should stand up for what's right. We should not let these things go on! Look at what our government is doing - having strayed so far away from our founding fathers!

So, yes, I think we should start a petition. We need to tell the government that they MUST stop making up coins that say "In God We Trust" on them.

You probably want to stop... go back and read that last paragraph again. That wasn't a typo.

"In God We Trust?" Can anybody, honestly say that the United States trusts in God? This is a vain thing that our government puts on the coins nowadays. We, as a nation, are not trusting in God anymore. Why should we as Christians allow the secular government to use God's name in vain? It's blasphemy!

Ok, I'm not going to start a petition or nothing, but really, render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar, and unto God the things that are God's.

Just a thought...