Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Lunch-Time Thoughts – Pastor David Reagan

Well, I'm going to try something out, and see if it lasts for me. I'm calling it Lunch-Time Thoughts.

Too often I will get busy at work and forget about what my (as a Christian) true calling in life is – Whether therefore ye eat or drink or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31) So, my plan is to take some of my lunch break and share some sort of thought on the Scriptures or maybe just anything that I think may be helpful to others that are trying to do things to glorify God, to learn the Scriptures, to simply walk in the Way.

For this first post, I don't have much to say, but I did want to share a link with everyone. Yesterday, Jerry Fallwell died, and it is big news. What isn't so big of news but has had more impact in my life (Fallwell had no impact on my life that I know of, and this man had at least a little) is the death of a Pastor David Reagan of Antioch Baptist Church in Knoxville, Tennessee on May 8th. The church there has a website that is just loaded with Bible Study material that is very scripturally based. They go right ahead and tackle some of the more controversial issues in the church today. Many (Most?) of the articles are written by Pastor Reagan himself, and I think they can be very helpful. Though he was, in my opinion, a very conservative man, he was honest to how he handled the Scriptural commands vs. his personal thoughts. An example I can give you of this is his dealings with "Women Wearing Pants." One thing is certain about him: he's got the right doctrine now!!!

Anyway, I wanted to share that with you during this lunch break, and we'll see how this thing goes!


Anonymous said...

I hope you continue with this...except the days we go to lunch. I do have to say though that Putney's blog is better.

Hindsey said...

Thanks for your comment. I was noticing your Gospel To Italy website (, and I thought it was very well done.

As for Putney's blog (that would be Looking Unto Him), I would never have expectations to come close to his quality!

Hindsey said...

I just found out that I can close off comments - I am going to do that for most (if not all) of my posts after like 2 weeks or so... This one is closed!