Friday, December 28, 2007

Cursed Alarm Clocks

(Proverbs 27:14) He that blesseth his friend with a loud voice, rising early in the morning, it shall be counted a curse to him.

I think this verse proves without a shadow of a doubt that alarm clocks are of the devil! Loud voice... early in the morning... A CURSE!

If you haven't figured it out yet, I don't like waking up early in the morning. Though, I think Sarah thinks that alarm clocks are more of a curse than I do. But, if alarm clocks are of the devil, and I am still supposed to wake up early, then I've still got a long way to go! I envy those people that wake up early in the morning without alarm clocks ready to meet with God.

Anyway, it is also possible that I am misapplying this verse. Kind of like when you go to take a test, and you tell the teacher (after being sent to the principle's office), but the Bible says, "Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others."

Just a thought...


Victoria said...

Who needs alarm clocks when you've got kids waking early with loud voices?!

Mr. Young said...

I need the alarm clock, my Justin's loud voice went from 12:30am till 3:30am...but my alarm clock obviously was unaware of the horrible night of sleep I had because it still went off at 5:40am ...cursed things they indeed are!

Hindsey said...

Does that mean that the kids that wake you early with loud voices are.... oh, never mind.

God is good. Our kids usually sleep in until about 8:00. Don't all the kids in the world do that?

Anonymous said...

Ours sleep until noon! (GMT)

Victoria said...

I was thinking EXACTLY that "oh never mind" thought! I'll trade kids with you - mine get up BEFORE 7:00 most mornings. If they went to bed late the night before, they sleep in until, oh, 7:30 - MAYBE!