Thursday, May 22, 2008


Why is it that we are a people of extremes? I refer specifically to doctrinal questions right now. We have a hard time walking the balanced line wherein truth usually lies, and instead, we jump far away from the opposition, and we end up going too far.

For example: Justification by faith vs. works... Living in a predominantly Roman Catholic area, we have to deal with some of the errors in that religious system. Roman Catholic dogma states that salvation is by God's grace, which the individual receives through the sacraments. However, taking Communion (a sacrament) is a work. If salvation is of works, then it is no more grace, Romans 11.

So, here's what our extreme tendencies make us do, we jump so far away from that that we almost take away everything from "faith," and teach that all you have to do is to say a prayer, or even worse, just raise your hand. Works are almost discouraged as a whole, just because we want to be sure to be separated from the other side.

The fact is that we need to recognize that works are important, that they are a necessary result of salvation (result, not cause). We need to be balanced, and take the whole truth of God regardless of who else abuses different parts.

Now, what do we do with those that are too extremely balanced...

Just a Thought...


Mr. Young said...

Amen, Great Post Andy.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Great post. I don't know you but I really enjoy reading your blog!

Anonymous said...

i know you and yet I still enjoy reading your blog!

Hindsey said...

whoever you both are, thanks for the encouragement, and for making me laugh... respectively

Janice said...

I know you, well at least knew you, but now you've graduated and are not one of us anymore. Even better. Great post to be sure. James tells us that our works will prove our faith. We are to work out our salvation with fear and trembling(not work for.) Biblical balance is a narrow line to walk.