Monday, January 12, 2009


Ephesians 4:17 This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind,

So, I was thinking of Vanity, and how full of themselves some people are. I heard about Oprah Winfrey's magazine, and how on each of her magazine covers, her face is always on there.

It seems to me that she wants to be the "star" of the show. Well, since it's her show, I guess that make sense.

Vanity, Self-Centeredness (nope, that's not a word, I checked), Pride... all of these things ought to have no place in the Christian's mind, like they are in the mind of the Gentiles.

Anyway, just a thought...

By the way, how do you like my new blog header?!



Anonymous said...

I am so glad you are not like those Gentiles...I mean don't you fast twice a week and give tithes of all you possess? =)

Hindsey said...

Does that mean you like it?

Fasting? Why would I fast? Jesus said you don't fast when the bridegroom is with you, and we have Jesus in our hearts? He will never leave me nor forsake me... why would I fast?

btw, nice looking blog ( I love the videos.

Anonymous said...

I do like the header...has a lot of you in it - but not that bad - I mean this one missionary I know started his own tv about vanity.

Hindsey said...

Well done, you made me laugh...

Janice said...

I wonder why you might not put your wifes picture on the top. I realize it is your blog, just like it was your graduation, but it would be a nice gesture.

Hindsey said...

She doesn't have time to think during Lunch Time - she's too busy. Besides, she doesn't like it when I'm always posting her picture in places.

Anonymous said...

It has never stopped you from actually putting pictures up of me. Especially nice slide shows in the junior high class. And did you say I don't think? - --Sarah

Unknown said...

sarah i think he did say that. barone told me you were back to updating this blog andy but lo and behold i check back today and no update...

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...I like the header..has some kinda Russian style to it... :)
~orange girl