Thursday, January 3, 2008


Too often we are out looking for the newest thing in the Bible... we like the teachers that show us something from God's word that we had never seen before. But as I was reading in 2 Peter, I realized that Peter kept bringing to remembrance the things that he had said. He could have spent time and time showing them all sorts of new things: telling them things about Jesus; describing stories found in the Gospels; telling of deep meanings to things... But instead he put them in remembrances things like: Lust is the cause of your sins. Once you've taken care of that (by faith), add to that- virtue, etc. The Lord is coming back again. He taught them the fundamentals of Christianity.

I wonder if we spend too much time looking into the hidden, deeper things, and failt to bring to remembrance the basics.

Just a thought...


Seth Koenig said...

(Pro 25:2) It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.

Nothing wrong with digging, as long as you don't ignore that which is obvious. How's time away from school treating you?

Hindsey said...

absolutely nothing wrong with digging! But, I think it was the Gnostics that dug so deep that they ignored the obvious to find the hidden.

It has been a nice 'vacation.' I am looking forward to finishing this coming semester!

Janice said...

Andy, I have so many times come to the very same wonder. I often think I don't do the basics all the time to the best of my ability- why would God trust me with more? Knowledge puffeth up, kind of thing.

I think the dominant hand needs to keep a journal, and the other hand a shovel.

Thanks for always making me think!