Monday, April 28, 2008

Sad Story

Read the news story here:,2933,352949,00.html

I don't know what to say about that story. It is devastating to me. Were they wrong, biblically, to take the stance they did?

This story breaks my heart. Well, apparently I don't have any thoughts on this - what do you, my fearless readers think of it?


Cheryl said...

Many years ago, something similar to this happened to a Christian family I knew. I thought it was foolish and made Christians look nuts. You know, we need to have faith in God. He IS the Great Physician, BUT God also gave us brains to use and medicine when needed...those are my thoughts.

Victoria said...

I don't go running to the doctor for every little thing. But, I do think there is a definite time and place for medical intervention. Their daughter was a diabetic - they knew this. They were "fast in prayer" so they knew something was wrong. If they have nothing against doctors, WHY DIDN'T THEY GO?! When an 11 year old is so sick all she wants is her mom to hold her, it's time for the doctor.

Biblically - Jesus healed many people. Some of these had already gone to physicians. No, the doctors could not help them, but they did try. Jesus never condemned them for going to the doctors instead of Him first.

All that said, I am sad for this family - all parents make poor decisions at times. We have to be sure that our decisions will not hurt our children in such a way!

Seth Koenig said...

I ran a short blog on this story myself. The sad reality is that most Christians do not have a correct understanding of Scripture regarding dispensations. Indeed, it is very sad. I wonder who might have counseled these folks to ignore medical treatment.

Alex said...

Victoria, I don't think they knew about the diabetes. It says that she hadn't been to the doctor since she was 3 and that she died with the undiagnosed condition. It doesn't explain the fact of why for 8-9 years they never took her to a doctor.

Victoria said...

Alex - you're right. I didn't catch that. That sort of changes my attitude on this - was she always so healthy she never had to go to a doctor. Then again, 11 years old and so very tired. Still, I think it was time to see the doctor.

Again, I am truly sad for this family.

David S Baker said...

hi, i do not comment much but this is awful. i feel very bad for this family i am sure they meant their child no harm. with that said, and from what i have read in the news story, i would go as far as to say they where wrong and should be held responsible for neglecting a sick child. like i said i am sure they meant no harm, yet good intentions do not erase responsibility. i really hope some one is there to take care of the other children, it would be an even bigger tragedy for them to end up in the hands of the state and totally out of a christian home.

Hindsey said...

Seth, I remembered that you had posted on the topic, but didn't realize it was the same story!

Alex said...

Victoria, I agree. Something just doesn't seem right about it. You would think if they didn't have anything against doctors, why wouldn't they take her just to be sure?

Unknown said...

i think they should infect the parents with some treatable disease (leprosy?) and tell them to pray. i'm not making fun of prayer, but why would God answer a prayer to 'heal their daughter' differently than, i helped this guy find a treatment for diabetes 100 years ago go see a doctor and be healed. (as i was writing this i read your today post and realize you kind of already said this)
i have no patience or understanding for 'faith-healing christians'. those kind of beliefs are great until something serious happens and they just look stupid and claim it's what God wanted...