Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Well, it has been a full week since graduation. Tonight, I am going to go to church after dropping the kids off at AWANA, and then I get to sit in the service and hear some preaching. I don’t have to be anywhere or do anything other than just be there. This feels all new to me, and I get to enjoy it with Sarah too!

Ok, I think it’s time to pickup something to read and study. Anybody read any good books lately that they’d like to share about? I think I will keep reading my Biblical Greek book, but I doubt any of you will care about that.

I’ve graduated… it’s starting to sink in…

No thought today, just rambling.


Anonymous said...

Here is a book called:
The Christian Husband: Gods's vision for loving and caring for your wife. By Bob LePine
Don't know anything more about the book but the title and I liked the title!!!!

Anonymous said...

Here is a book called:
"God Plays Golf!", by David Curry. Like Sarah, I don't know any more than the title, but I too like the title...


Anonymous said...

Might I also recommend:
"With God on the Golf Course" by Phil Callaway...

I am noticing a trend here...

Anonymous said...

I couldn't pass this one up, and then I am done...

Golf is God's Game: "Golf from a Biblical Persective" by Tony M. Small

I may actually read this one...

Mr. Young said...

oh man! I thought the same thing that I'd be able to sit in church with my wife on a Wednesday night, sure I'm finally done with Greek, and the kids are sick.

Dan... give it up man! There is NO WAY golf is God's sport.

Alex said...

As much as I dislike baseball, I've got to admit that the Bible clearly indicates that it is God's favorite. Don't believe me? He started the Bible with it - In the big inning! :)

Hindsey said...

That's true, Alex, he did start with baseball - however, He clearly changed His passion to basketball, as He's constantly talking about "passing over Jordan." Only God is better than MJ.

Hindsey said...

Oh, and I ended up going with:

The Exemplary Husband: A Biblical Perspective by Stuart Scott

Anonymous said...

I don't teaches some good lessons like perseverance and patience!

Anonymous said...

Just a few thou..... ponderings on Golf and the Bible....

King James I (AKA: King James VI of Scotland) Born to Mary Queen of Scots in 1566 in Edinburgh Castle. Commisioned the Bible we all know and love the KJV (AKA: The Good Book, The Authorized Version)...

Golf: (AKA: God's favorite game) Born in Scotland 1456 at Bruntsfield Links in Edinburgh.

King James and Golf both hail from Edinburgh, coincidence, I think not (nor do I believe in it). Quite obviously God has chosen Edinburgh, Scotland as his second favorite location on the planet earth (second only to Jerusalem/Israel).

The only sport I know that came from either city is Golf, so deductive reasoning says Golf is God's game.

My grandfather was also born on the outskirts of Edinburgh, Scotland and I am pretty sure he would agree, if he were still alive.

You can try to parallel Baseball and Basketball, but I just don't see it happening.

Hindsey said...

Dan, it's advanced revelation that brings you to that point... well done.

As for golf, you've convinced me. Tomorrow (partly cloudy, high of 64) I will demonstrate my conviction...

Anonymous said...

Andy keep going with

Being a husband is a lot more fun than playing golf, and you can learn a lot more, two becoming one, in Christ!