Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Life After Institute

sniff... sniff...

So, all of my friends (ok, maybe not all of them) were at the Bible Institute last night, taking New Testament Survey. And, I was at home. They all got to sit with one of our pastors teaching through the New Testament, asking questions, learning from the experienced teacher... and I couldn't go. You know, I didn't miss Institute over the summer, but I think that's because no one else was at class either. But, now that it has started again, I felt a bit left out.

Wait a minute... they had to go to class last night. Then tonight, they have to go again... for FOUR hours. Sunday and Wednesday they'll have a class that gives them homework to do. And me? ...I stayed home. We had some friends over for dinner. We worked on some ministry stuff together. I got to be with my wife and kids. It was pretty nice actually.

Now, tonight, I might drop by and listen to Missionary Mike Ireland teach on Systematic Theology, but I wouldn't have to do the homework!

I guess I don't miss Institute all that much...

Just a thought...


Mr. Young said...

If you show up, you know you'll be helping me with my homework : )

Hindsey said...

I won't be able to go to all the classes because Sarah wants to go to Ladies' Bible Study...

Mr. Young said...

ok...on those nights I'll just drop my homework off after class. You can let me know when it's read. Just kidding...obviously