Have you ever been away from your work for a week, and when you return there is twice as much stuff as normal waiting for you, and you spend most of your time trying to catch up and never get anywhere? It seems to me that life would be easier if we just worked through the vacation so that it isn't overwhelming when we come back? It seems impossible for me right now to catch up!
Well, as I was thinking of a thought (huh?!), I thought about those times in our lives where we, regretfully, take a spiritual vacation. You know what I'm talking about, those times when we Christians act as though we were the owner of our lives. I find that it is a lot harder to catch up to where I was spiritually before going on "vacation." It seems to me that the Christian life would just be easier if we were to stay faithful, rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season, and then having to catch up again... and again... and again...
Just a thought...
Andy, you will catch up, you don't have your Thesis, to do any more. You can focus on loving your family. Thank God too, you don't have to catch up spiritually.
nice family picture. Maybe you could write a blog explaining to us why we should have a relationship with the Lord. Why should we pray? How does it work? Other than the fact that we're in relationship with God. When does He finally decide to "give in" to our begging?
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