Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Call

(I really am not trying to bet back on the alliteration things - It just so happened that my thought started with "C" today)

I was thinking about how a Christian gets "called" to the field that God has for him. I know that there have been different stories of how missionaries have been called - some spectacular, some not so much. I think one of the hardest things for someone that is willing to do whatever God wants, is to actually hear what God wants!

If you look at Michael Barone's call to the field on his website - which I must add, Michael, you have a great looking website at good job - but if you click on the "About Us" tab, and click on "Michael's bio & Call" you will find that God used a statement in a Bible Institute class to peak his interest in Italy as a mission field. Then he was finally convinced that HE needed to go during preaching at a Bible Conference. If my memory serves me correctly it was a message from Billy Wood on the value of a soul. Now, Michael & Erika have their deputation materials at the press and are starting to schedule meetings. Michael was confident enough that God's call for him was to go to Italy, that he acted on it. He arranged his job situation and lifestyle to accommodate what God wanted him specifically to do.

I know most of us would like to have a great sign in the sky ("in hoc signo vinces") to tell us what God wants us to do, but usually God speaks in the still small voice. Elijah saw the whirlwind, fire and heard the earthquake, but God wasn't in those. Sometimes He is. Jason Pielaet reminded us last night that God "spoke" to Korah through an earthquake in Numbers 16! But when He speaks to His children, often it is just in the quiet stillness of our walk -

So, I guess the best way to hear God's call for us specifically in our lives, would be to stop long enough to just listen to what God says. Acknowledge Him in everything (when you're sitting in a missions class, or hearing preaching in a Bible Conference, or maybe more importantly just during your daily quiet time devoted to Him), and He will direct your paths.


Anonymous said...

What an amazing looking website! Wow!

Hindsey said...

Thank you, Michael, er I mean, Steve... If you would like, I could have the webmaster of that site contact you

Anonymous said...

Are we using codenames or something? I've always wanted my name to be Gilbert!

The only precaution that is needed is to make sure that we guard ourselves against experientialism. When your "feelings from God" rule your life, you can get into a whole lotta' trouble. In many cases we can clearly read what God wants of us in His Word.

The problem is that in many aspects of our life, only God's general will is shown to us in Scripture. In those areas, we need to pray, and rely on God to direct our path.

Great post!

Hindsey said...

2nd Gilbert,

When I was in Georgia last year, I remember the Senior High Sunday School teacher say, "You do the 'what' 'til you know the 'where'." Meaning: You do the things that God tells you to do in His word, in the Bible. And you keep doing them wherever you are until God shows you where He wants you to be. You are to witness and preach where you are now, until when or if God directs you to go somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

I Kings 19:19 states that Elijah found Elisha plowing (working and serving were he was at) when he cast his mantle on him.

I agree with Hinds - we need to be faithful were we are at...and then God will call us to other things.