Thursday, August 16, 2007


Well, Lord willing, I will be graduating from North Star Bible Institute next May. One of the requirements is my thesis, and yesterday I started working on it some more. I began writing on the doctrine of God the Father.

I'm not going to share my actual writing on the subject, but instead I just wanted to write about how encouraging it was to me to think on God. At times, I would find myself studying to learn the attributes of God, which is good, but at other times, I was able to actually find myself getting to know God better.

(Psa 104:34) My meditation of him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the
Just thinking on God today...


Anonymous said...

Alright enough of this God talk, let's get back to the important stuff. We need more TULIP discussion.

Anonymous said...

Know the heart of God and then you will know His doctrine.

David S Baker said...

know doctrine and you will know his heart!

Anonymous said...

To Know, know,know Him is to love Him...all of Him...yes, we do need to kow both..but if you know His heart you will truly know Him. You cannot truly know either Him or His Word without the ignore either is to tread on dangerous ground...the Pharisees knew the Word but did not know Him..Jn 5:39-40,Jn 8:55. Paul prayed that not only the Word of Christ would dwell richly in our hearts (Col 3:16) but that Christ, Himself would dwell in our hearts (Eph 3:17). More importantly, he prayed that we would "know" the love of Christ which passeth knowledge." How can you know something that passes knowledge?? You know it by living it, experiencing becoming intimate with it...letting it become part of you and you becoming part of a spiritual sense as Adam "knew" Eve.

A very interesting and beneficial concept...knowing Him and knowing His Word...experience vs doctrine... Oswald Chambers, a much wiser man than I, wrote about this when he studied the Book of Job. This is a pretty meaty quote, but it is something you can really chew on for awhile...

"There is a great difference between Christian experience and Christian faith. The danger of experience is that our faith is made to rest in it, instead of seeing that our experience is simply a doorway to God, Himself. The reason many of us refuse to think and discover the basis of true releigion is because evangelical Christianity has been stated in such a flimsy way. We get at Truth through life and personality, not by logic or scientific statements...Intellect asks, 'What is truth?' as if truth could be stated in words. 'I am the Truth', said Jesus. The only way we get at Truth is by life and personality. When a man is up against things it is no use for him to try and work it out logically, but let him obey, and instantly he will see his way through. Truth is moral, not intellectual. We perceive Truth by doing the right thing, not by thinking it out...we shall find the the Truth is not in a creed or a logical statement, but in Life and Personality. This is what Job is realizing." (Baffled to Fight Better...Oswald Chambers)

David S Baker said...

agreed, i was more or less getting at this, experience can not rule all in a Christians life(charismatics for instance). Jonathan Edwards spoke out against the "experienced based Christianity" that was sweeping the nation at that time. it had no staying power, much like the "health wealth and prosperity Gospel" of today. but again your right just knowing it is worthless, we must live it. so it's kind of a paradox, knowledge is not enough - experience is not enough! we must be grounded in both.