Then, the show progressed. There was a man that had a near death experience and then tried to do it again because of the "rush" that this man experienced during this time of his almost death. Dr. House witnessed this second attempt and was truly perplexed about it. Anyway, he actually went ahead and did something that he knew would stop his heart, and make him "dead" or almost dead, yet in a place that he knew they would be able to revive him.
The story continues that the other patient he had been working on diagnosing had a faith in God, and was looking forward to getting out of his broken down body. Earlier, House said things to try to make this man believe that his faith was imbecilic. The man died in the show, and at the end of the show, House comes up to the dead body and said, "I told you so." He was saying, Hey, I was dead for a while, and there was nothing. I told you there was nothing after death. Then the show ended.
Now, like I said before, if there was a man on the show that did not believe in God... that's one thing. But in this case, the SHOW ITSELF was saying that there is no God. The SHOW ITSELF is saying that belieivng in God or in the after-life is stupid and ignorant. It was not just a man on the show that said it, but the moral of the show, the moral of the story was that God is not real, and faith is absurd. And it just came out and said that. The show's plot was intriguing to me. I was interested in the storyline of the disease and how they tried to solve the problem, etc. But...
GOD FORBID that any Christian find entertainment in that show. Who, knowing the judgment of God that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same BUT HAVE PLEASURE IN THEM THAT DO THEM.
GOD FORBID that we amuse ourselves with a program that has obviously been set forth to show that the God Who spoke this world into existence, does not really exist, and that He is a figment of people's imaginations.
GOD FORBID that we laugh at a joke made from a man that has a desire to try to persuade people that there is no God.
There is no reason for anyone that names the name of Christ to watch that show for entertainmnet. I heard a quote just yesterday from the Revival Conference streaming online (by the way, Keith Daniel is preaching tonight somewhere between 6:00-8:00 or so, haven't seen a good schedule) at The quote went like this:
"I refuse to entertain myself with those things that killed my Savior"That quote can and should be implemented in every area of our lives, and not only in the area of deciding what we will have before our eyes. I refuse to entertain myself with those things that killed my Savior. So, I titled this post "Leave It Alone!" First, to the entertainment industry: Leave my God alone. Don't mess with Him - for your own good. Second, to you, my faithful readers: Leave the show alone, and leave the sin alone. Prove all things, hold fast that which is good.
Just a thought.
WOW!! That was good, Andy! Makes me glad I never saw the show! But, how many DVDs or videos do we own that we ought to take a second look at? Good thoughts!
("oikia autn" - for you Greek people :))
I don't think I can read this blog anymore.
Looking over your blog. House is an interesting show, but I think you've got it wrong. First of all, it is a Fox show, which tends to be more conservative than the other networks.
House is a despicable atheist, pro-abortion, etc. The show itself is not. If you can find it, watch the episode where he performs surgery on a baby in utero. The baby reaches out and grabs his finger. The expression on his face is priceless, as is the message of the show. In actuality, House's patients are constantly making him question his own faith- faith that there is no greater deity.
Hello, Anonymous...
I read your quote, and I really thought I'd take a second look at the principle. I re-read my post, and remembered that it was, in fact, the script that made House "dead" and brought back to life, with no after-life experience like the other man in the show had had. Then, at the end, House says "told ya." The script says, "House, you're dead and there's nothing." That episode, it was the show, not just th Doc.
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