Friday, June 13, 2008

Fess Up

Imagine two fighter jets about to go into a dogfight. They are the only two friendly planes, the rest are enemies. Now, imagine if one of the jets had defective guns on the right side, and for whatever reason the pilot could not see to his right, and all of the instrumentation was failing on the same side. Is this a problem? Of course it is. The second plane would have to be sure to cover that side of his ally when the enemy approaches. But with the two of them working together, it's still possible for them to win the battle.

Now, what if the pilot of the first jet never told the second that he had plane trouble? What then are the chance of them winning the battle? The second pilot would not know to help out on the weak side, and the first jet would be in serious trouble.

Ephesians 4:25 Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another.

You know, in the spiritual warfare that we fight, we have allies in the battle. The gates of hell will not prevail against the church - the assemblyl of believers - not necessarily a believer by himself. Working together, the body of Christ will prevail even against the very gates of hell. However, I think we probably could find some examples of pilots in that warfare that are severely handicapped in one way or another, and they are not willing to be honest about it and let others know.

Christians are to bear one another's burdens (fulfilling the law of Christ). However, if a burden is hidden, the brother becomes weak. If I lie to you, then I am not helping out the body of Christ, but hurting it. I may keep up my good reputation, but it would not be for the mutual benefit of everyone.

Just a thought...


Anonymous said...

Good thought,but some Christian don't know how to handle the hurt of others, they wound their own brother's and sister's in Christ, as well as the one's who don't know Him.

Hindsey said...

That's true that some don't know how to interract with other people in certain situations. But we're still commanded to bear one another's burdens. We shouldn't wait until we have "proper training" before we obey God.

Have compassion. Rejoice with them that do rejoice and weep with them that do weep. Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt...

Anonymous said...

If people look to Christ,they will have compassion. Fruits of the Holy Spirit. Isn't listen to the Holy Spirit our training? Some people don't walk in the Spirit. Be discerning on who you share with, go to God in prayer first. Should always do that ayways before going to anyone else.

Anonymous said...

What would happen if the gunners weren't trained? Again we have to be prepared. Daily in His word, and listening to the Holy Spirit. We all have different gifts that God has given us.I wouldn't want a golfer up there shooting only if he hasn't been trained!!! All about being prepared and knowing who you are dealing with, and who you are listening too!!

Hindsey said...

I'm not disagreeing with the concepts that Anonymous is posting here, but I do want to clarify - you don't disobey God's commandments while training... You don't wait until you have been saved for a long time before you fight the spiritual warfare. You begin obeying, you begin fighting day one - while you're training.

Of course giving and receiving counsel must be biblically based. Don't listen to anyone's counsel because they sound good - only listen to anyone's counsel if it is God's word.

Anonymous said...

Amen, Andy, to what you wrote. Like to clarify something's too,

Some Christian's use Gods word to get there way or just see there point. Still have to have discernment, and ask God for help, if the person is rightly dividing the word of God in grace and in truth. Not manipulate it. Not all Christian take the word of God the same way.

All goes back to day one, depending totally on God,loving Him. Mark 12:29-30