Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Not "Us" and "Them" - Homosexuality part 7

1 Corinthians 10:12  Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.

This is my last planned post regarding the topic of homosexuality in this series. I do believe that this is an important topic to stand up for. If two lost people want to participate in homosexual acts, that is their problem with God. I would expect them to do such a thing, and since it is a sin, I will be against the practice of it - as I am against the practice of any other sin. But, the problem with this issue is that they insist that we recognize the sinful practice as being acceptable. What will happen some day when we say someone can't be a Sunday School teacher because they are openly gay? How will that law suit turn out in just a couple/few years from now? Let's stand up. But on to my thought for today...

Many times, we conservative Christians make a distinction between us and homosexuals. We make it an "us vs them" kind of thing. And, many times we see homosexuality as a disgusting thing that we despise, not just because it is a sin and God hates it, but we think that it is a despicable act and we gladly oppose it. We take the "high road" because it is not a sin with which we struggle, so therefore we can rail on it at will.

(Here's where I'll lose all my friendly readers.) I don't think you Conservative Christian Men really hate homosexuality as much as you say. I think the idea of disgusting relationships with another guy really grosses you out; that's true. But if there are two beautiful women involved... I think the sin all of a sudden isn't as disgusting to us. The temptation is a little different; the sin is the same.

What am I saying? Take heed lest you fall. One of the other things that struck out at me at the Gay Pride Parade this year was the number of heterosexual couples I saw sitting down and enjoying the parade. Why were they there?! I think I know the reason. Romans 1 talks about how when people start ignoring God, and change His glory into corruption like us men, that they then are turned over unto even more vile things. I believe the principle is that everyone is capable of participating in any sin. If lusts are never restrained, then the desires will grow stronger, and will need more to satisfy. At some point, the affection turns to homosexuality. It just becomes a way to, supposedly, satisfy a desire.

Really, Conservative Christian, let's not think that there is anything better in us than there is in the worst of sinners. God's grace working in us makes us whatever good that we are. Someday, we'll have a righteous hatred for sin like we should - when we are conformed to the image of Jesus Christ. I can't imagine what that will be like!

Just a thought...


Alex said...

You make an excellent point, Andy. I think that this is the source of much of the contention between the gay community and fundamentalism. Have we truly tried to reach them in love or are we too disgusted with the sin that they struggle with to even care?

Mr. Young said...

Excellent post! Dr. Keen said “where our prejudices begin our evangelism ends”. He was speaking about the Muslim world, but it was the homosexual community that came to my mind. For five or more years, I’ve gone down to the parade, but that is where my evangelism to that community has ended. I pray the Lord opens up some doors.

Many years back God transformed this city, and He can do it again if we go out in the power of His Might and Spirit.