Modern Missions (at least, in America) generally works like this. A man surrenders his life to do whatever God would have him to do. He then will determine the "where." (I remember hearing a preacher down in Georgia say, "You do the 'what' until you know the 'where.'" It's a good charge.) Once he knows where to go, he'll usually start off by talking to his local church's missions director, whoever that may be. The next step is usually a survey trip. They go and see the field where they are interested in going, and begin to gather pertinent information. Then they return and begin the process called "Deputation."
This "Deputation" process is what I want to consider today. The purpose of deputation is to raise the financial support needed for the mission field, by presenting the work that God has laid on their lives to churches around the country. The missionary's desire is that those churches would decide to commit to helping the missionary, financially, on a regular basis. Once the missionary has enough committed churches to meet the financial needs that were calculated, then the missionary prepares to go to the field and begin the work. In the process, he also gains much needed prayer and, hopefully, encouragement from other believers.
Matthew 10:9 Provide neither gold, nor silver, nor brass in your purses,Now, when Jesus sent out His disciples on the mission that He had for them, He did say to do the exact opposite. He wanted them to go, preach the gospel, and worthy recipients of the gospel there would provide the needs of His apostles. Of course, He also told them to heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead and cast out devils! So, I can accept the argument that I am taking this passage out of context, and that it shouldn't apply to modern missionaries.
Matthew 10:10 Nor scrip for your journey, neither two coats, neither shoes, nor yet staves: for the workman is worthy of his meat.
(Can I add real quick here, that I have a lot of missionary friends, even my parents(!) that have gone through this same process. There is nothing anti-biblical about it, and I do not think they are wrong in doing it that way.)
I wonder what would happen if a missionary today tried it like Jesus did with His missionaries for that specific project. I wonder what would happen if someone just got up and went somewhere else preaching the gospel, and trusted that God would provide his needs - that the converts would be obedient to the message of the workman being worthy of his meat. What a reliance the missionary would put on God, and not on the money coming in from back home.
Maybe I can develop this thought some more in the upcoming days, but am I way off base in this line of thought?
Just a thought...
I love how you phrase it....
"I wonder what would happen if a missionary today tried it like Jesus did with His missionaries for that specific project. I wonder what would happen if someone just got up and went somewhere else preaching the gospel, and trusted that God would provide his needs..."
Like anyone is going to comment and say " would never work if you just trusted God to provide...or tried it like Jesus did"
Leonard Ravenhill said "One of these days some simple soul will pick up the Book of God, read it, and believe it. Then the rest of us will be embarrassed."
I think this can be a controversial topic among missionaries. I was always of the opinion that, if possible, the home church would be the one to support its own missionaries financially. We were blessed at First Bible to be supported by many church families.
I think we need to be responsible to have what we need before going on the mission field -- but that need is different for different people. God may tell someone to go first and then provide his needs. Someone else he may tell to wait until he is fully supported.
I know God can teach us many things on the deputation trail, but I am not a big fan of that process.
Just my opinion!
what's the verse that says the man who doesn't provide for his family is worse than an unbeliever? ;) 1Tim 5:8
Also this was a specific charge to a specific group (disciples) maybe not applicable to all missionaries?
Hey, Matt, don't be sore about Saturday... j/k.
First of all, the verse in Timothy is specifically referring to providing for your own widows. That is, if your mom dies, you're obligated to take care of her, don't put the obligation on the churchh... but, yeah, we should provide for our wife and children too!
I look at the example of Paul, and he was sent out from the church, and then he left. He didn't go around raising support, etc. In fact, the only support he raised was to give to other people (the poor saints in Jerusalem).
Yeah... he was single too.
ok so i was stretching it by using 1 Tim. 5:8. i'll go with Barone's answer up at the top...
and i'm not sore about saturday, i'm sore FROM saturday... no free throws...
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