Thursday, August 2, 2007

Lunch Time Thoughts

Originally, I started writing this blog so that when I am consumed at work with work, I would remember that whether I eat or drink, or whatsoever I do, I should do it all to the glory of God. By taking time out of my work day to write something about Him, or His word, it makes me refocus my perspective once again. Isn't it easy to walk in the flesh? Isn't it easy to be distracted by the cares of this world? But they ain't worth it (I know, that's bad English. "Ain't" is a contraction for "Am not" not "are not.")

Anyway, today's thought, in the midst of this busy day, is just a reminder to stay focused on God. To whom else shall we go? He has the words of life!

Ok, let me add a couple of interesting resources I have come across on the web that you may be interested in (whoever "you" may be).
  • Steve Pawley's church, Antioch Bible Baptist Church, has a website up that I just found out about. It has a bunch of the preaching from the church. Some great stuff there.
  • This month, there is another Free Audio book at The Resurrection by Tolstoy... I am not recommending the book as I honestly had never heard of it, but it's free :)
  • I just think this one is cool - It's a scanned version of an 'original' 1611 Bible.


Anonymous said...

nothing that could possibly be thought of us controversial or that will generate numerous comments?! andy, what a boring post;) excellent point made as it doesn't matter if you are a calvinist, arminian or any other worldview, if your focus is not on God but on tenants of your beliefs, cares of the world, etc etc you quickly find you have an 'empty' faith...

Michael & Erika Barone said...

Pawley's messages are a blessing!