Thursday, October 4, 2007

Pride & Contention

Proverbs 13:10: Only by pride cometh contention: but with the well advised is wisdom.

Webster's 1828 dictionary defines contention as: Strife; struggle; a violent effort to obtain something, or to resist a person, claim or injury; contest; quarrel.

I used to have in my mind that contention encompassed all disagreements, but in reality it comes into place when having a differing opinion turns into strife or a struggle. I can strongly disagree with a brother about something, and that is not sin (Though, it may be for him, if he disagrees with me, I mean, come on...). However, when that disagreement grows into strife, and I begin to exercise a "violent effort to obtain" the agreeement that I'm right, then I can know that it was my pride that caused the contention.

Disagreements and varying opinions aren't necessarily caused by pride, but contention is. It's not my problem if someone disagrees with what I believe to be right. I can teach my viewpoint, I can present the differing stance that I hold to my brother, in love. That would be the right way - otherwise, "Only by pride cometh contention."

Just a thought...


Kevin P said...

(Prov 16:32) He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city.

A controlled discussion - no matter how passionate or heated, can be very edifying. I agree with you - it is when we lose control of our spirit and anger begins to control the tempo and outcome of the discussion that there is a problem.

Hindsey said...


I think I worded it better... You're just jealous. My description was...

Oh, wait... never mind.