Friday, October 26, 2007

Too Much Free Time

Watch this...

If only John Bois had Speed Stack, he would not have been reading through the Hebrew Bible at age 5!!


Michael & Erika Barone said...

Are you saying you have "too much free time" - in that you find these videos after aimlessly going through them on youtube? : )

Anyway, what is your lunch-time thought today?

Hindsey said...

I had this video pointed out to me. The Pickett's actually brought their speed stack cups over to our house last night, and I was able to do what took that kid less than 7 seconds to do, in 25 seconds... but I had a sweatshirt on which slowed me down, I think that made the difference.

My Lunch-time thought is that we have way to many distractions in the world today... Things like silly cup games and silly baseball games... you know?

Mr. Young said...

come are meddlin' now...

Michael & Erika Barone said...

Totally agree Andy! I know some Christian bloggers who post twice in a row about baseball stuff. It is like...who is thinking about baseball in October?

...certainly not Yankee fans.

Hindsey said...

You know... baseball is fine. I mean, as long as it doesn't interfere with any commitments or other Christian obligations, then go ahead and watch... Right?

Michael & Erika Barone said...

Right on Andy! Balance!