Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A Soft Answer

A soft answer turneth away wrath...

a SOFT answer...

{pauing to consider how I can give a SOFT answer}

turneth away wrath...

That is, if I want to avoid strife (caused by grievous words), then I should give a soft answer. If I like strife and wrath, then I should answer the way that I 'naturally' would answer. But if I want peace, whether it be with my spouse, co-workers, kids, teachers, friends, etc., then I should give a soft answer.

Proverbs 15:1 - think about that today.

Just a thought...


Victoria said...

I think about it daily. LIVING it is the challenge for me!

Hindsey said...


Are you telling me we have to DO what's right, and not just KNOW what's right? oh boy...

Michael & Erika Barone said...

...this changes everything!

Anonymous said...

My boss will have the soft voice but nasty words. He thinks he's being nice. I'm trying ever so nicely to tell him a soft answer isn't just tone. :)

Hindsey said...

Just yell at your boss to tell him to be nice!

Anonymous said...

Trust's tempting!