Monday, August 6, 2007

KJV-Only Reason # 8

For review sake - or if you're new to my KJV-Only reasons - I'd recommend you read KJV-Only Reason # 1. You can also go to all the posts I've written on the KJV and get the past 7 reasons by Clicking Here.

Getting right to the point, Reason # 8 that I am KJV-Only.

Reason # 8: It is the standard by which all other versions are compared.

Here's what I mean: Let's say I am trying to create a little weight to measure the mass of a gram, so that I could sell it to someone else for them to use to measure one gram. For me to make sure that I have an accurate gram, I could go to a couple of stores and by some gram weights and compare it to them. I would probably get fairly close to the right thing. But, really, what I am going to do if I want it to be exact would be to compare it to the standard found somewhere in France or something. If the one sold in the store is known to be really close, but off here in there, I'm not going to use that to compare it to...

It seems that all of the English versions of the Bible reference the King James Version in their prefaces. The NIV mentions by name the King James Version twice, but does not mention any other by name. The NASV talks about the KJV, calling it the most prestigious. The original ASV preface compares itself to the "Authorized" or "King James" version about 9 times. The New King James Version (known by some as the King Jimmy Version) begins its preface speaking of the 1611. The first paragraph of the Revised Version speaks of the KJV, and then continues to talk about it for the next 5 or 7 paragraphs.

My point is this. The Other Version cannot get away from bringing up the King James Authorized Version even in their own prefaces - because the King James is the prestigious standard by which all versions must be compared.


Mr. Young said...

Your getting awfully close to my KJV night message...

Hindsey said...

I "MAY" have got some of that idea from your illustration a couple years ago...

And, if KJV night you come out with "Let me give you 8 Reasons why..." We'll know something is suspicious!