Please, don't read just the first paragraph and then stop reading this post...
The most dangerous place in America is in the mother's womb - 1 out of every 4 babies in America are murdered even before birth. The US Supreme Court allowed this murder to be legal and denied human rights to these babies back in 1973... The God-ordained institution of marriage is being eroded in this country due to loose fornication, homosexual 'marriages,' restrictions placed on parenting in the name of child abuse and divorces occuring regularly... Prisoners are being housed in comfortable enough rooms with cable TV, workout room, three hot meals a day and more luxuries - costing the taxpayer millions and millions of dollars... The federal government debt to foreign countries is growing at such a level that if those countries were to cease loaning us money, the US's economical situation would be disastrous, as America buys more than it sells and makes up the difference with debt... The media in this country is allowed to air, promote and glorify all of the sins that God has so particularly warned us about in His word... Sexual sin has been revealed in just about every level of government in this country up to the highest office in the land, along with deceit, unfaithfulness and even murders - often without consequences...
I went to the Chuck Missler conference this weekend, and his last session on Saturday was "The Challenge to America." He made the point that America is walking on a slippery slope. He had me convinced. You would think the response is that we should rise up in arms! or at least with phone calls, emails and letters demanding that our representatives and elected officials would get things right to prevent this downward spiral that America is on. But that's not what Missler gave us. Instead he just reiterated what God gave us.
2 Chronicles 7:14: "If MY people, which are called by MY name..." I've heard that verse quite a bit over the years, in preaching on how to get this country right. But for some reason, it really got me when hearing it this weekend (maybe because of the well-defined picture that was painted). Missler talked about how he suspects there is a force behind even the White House that really ends up making the decisions in this country. Such that, regardless of who, or which party, is in office, there is an agenda that they are working out that always get put through. - you know, the stuff movies are made of. It makes you think that the situation would be hopeless. But Missler said the phrase something along the lines of, "The fate of America is not determined by Congress or the President - our God is more powerful than they are!" What a relief! What a peace!
God says, if HIS people will change - He will heal the land. We want the president, or the Supreme Court Justices, or the Senate or Representatives, or our governor to change their ways. We want them to make the right decisions and then this country will get back on the right track. If only they would listen to logic to see how all of those things are bad, even from a totally secular perspective - then things would be better!
The fact of the matter is that God's people, those that are called by His name - that is, by the name of Jesus Christ (ie. Christian) - they are the ones that have to change so that God would heal our land!
I don't know if saying that I am proud to be an America is appropriate(that pride thing is frowned upon in the Bible.) But I like being an American.
I am glad that we have some Christian presence in our gov't like NYCF, but where should my balance or limit of involvement be? If we get too distracted by reacting to the worldly govt's destructive choices, I believe that we may become less effective as a tool for God's use. I don't know that morality can be effectively legislated anyways.
Doing nothing is not the answer, but where is the balance? Rom 12:2
Putting our faith in government is utter foolishness. It's like a child putting his faith in his teddy bear to protect him, when his daddy is right there watching over him. I'm not the king of analogies...
I thought that analogy was pretty solid!
I liked the analogy too... Dave, I plan to go through some more of the verse tomorrow (I wrote tomorrow's during today's lunch so it wouldn't be an 'appetizer') . I think it addresses some of what you say.
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